Guide to Laboratories at the Department of Psychology
Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc

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Felix Pro 2 3D printer

The 3D printer can be used to make various research aids, prototypes, devices, or, for example, stimulus material. In combination with freely available software for 3D modeling, you can create and make your own designs such as new psychodiagnostic aids, test UX or ergonomic design of devices, etc. Thanks to the ability to print using two extruders (with two different materials) it is possible to produce more complex models requiring support. , or use a two-color design of the final product.

Guarantor, team, contact

Mgr. Miroslav Charvát, Ph.D.;; +420 585 633 523

Where it is (room, address)

Třída Svobody 26, 779 00 Olomouc; 3. patro, Centrum WOP

How it is financed

OPVVV, Rozvoj výzkumné a vzdělávací infrastruktury pro psychologii práce a organizace. Reg. č. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_017/0002425


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